

Could you be an Event Marshal?
In order that we may enjoy our events to the full we need Event Marshals to help run them.
Helping and supporting the Centre in this way is well worth doing as without Event Marshals the Centre cannot function.
Please remember it’s your event and you can make it as simple or as complicated as you wish. It is not a competition to see who can make the biggest event. Whatever you plan, you can be assured that any of the Centre Committee Members will be willing to help and offer any guidance or advice you may need.
Oh and don’t forget, event Marshals and assistants get free pitches at most of the sites we attend.
Should you require more information why not join us at the Chairman’s welcome Event along with all the other Marshals and Assistants and during the meeting all questions relating to events will be answered?
If you feel you can help the Centre in this way either as an Event Marshal or as an Assistants please contact the Event Secretary on [email protected]

The personal data you provide is collected and processed for the purpose of the inclusion and publication of the West Dorset Centre event book. We assume any personal data you provide relating to other individuals is done so with their consent

Do you have a venue to consider for 2026
Please email your venue considerations to

Dave Craft :[email protected] and we will look into all considerations. Let’s get back to filling our events and enjoying ourselves again.
Thank you for your ongoing support